Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Expired Polaroids

You know how they always tell you not to use expired products? I have just found a reason to ignore that warning. My wife received a Polaroid camera and a lot of expired film. Some of it over 7 years old. These are the results.

All images this post: ©Alexis Fortuna 2006

Friday, August 25, 2006

My Favorite Toys

Be sure to check out some of my latest and greatest japanese toy finds! The First one here comes from an anime called Ike! Inachuu Takkyuubu (a.k.a. Ping Pong Club)! Randomly packaged and reasonably priced tiny images of japanese joy.

Run! Don't Walk! To the website for the amazing Otokonotashinami. These orange leotard wearing "superheroes" are ready to assist with the everyday hectic journey that is life.

Don't miss the font page!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Experimental Joker 2

This is the second experiment in using filters. Its a combination of 3 different images I had in my files. The technique is hard to explain. The basic thing to know is that you can take a picture in Photoshop, use Polar Coordinates under filters/distort. Choose either "rectangular to polar" or "polar to rectangular." Then do whatever you want to the image. You can then add other filters, effects, bring in more source photos, etc. Use Polor coordinates again choosing the other option. This reverts the original image back to the shape it started in, but stretches and warps everything you did. I found this technique when looking for a way to create wind on an image. Unfortunately, I cannot find the original tutorial to provide a proper link and credits to the originator. I have adapted the effect and method to suit my own needs.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Experimental Joker

I have always been against the heavy use of filters because they tend to bring about bad habits. I have often seen many fledgling photo manipulation program users fall into the trap of using filters and nothing else to create their work. They just grab the first one in the list and use it to death. As a result I shied away from them. This is my attempt to bring filters back to my repertoire. It is the result of a combination of various filters used in Photoshop.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


The world may never know what plans the burrito giant has in store for us.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Ahh Big Boy... that ever elusive man child with the giant plastic burger. Will he ever grow up?

I drew these once during Lent while waiting on our server to arrive with my pancakes and eggs. The odd creepy look of these fish sandwhiches just begged to be brought out. Made me think twice about eating.

There is something about a placemat that makes it one of the most wonderful things to draw on. We do it to impress our friends, to show off to the people that walk by, or maybe just to try to catch that elusive nugget of inspiration. Many of my ideas are hashed out on the back of these humble protectors.

Sometimes on the front.....

Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Time to Begin

Well i missed the boat on weblogs along time ago. Finally one has slowed down enough that I might jump on.

CopyrightPropaganda is the name of an artist collective which as of this post consists of myself and another artist by the name of JuJob. CP was created in an effort to create and educate. We will be posting our own work and that of others that inspire us. Since I do live in Cincinnati, I will be spotlighting local shows (art or otherwise) including reviews, dates times etc.

We'll to start with a quick sample of my work. This piece was created in Adobe Illustrator.

It was part of a show. we had at the 1305 Gallery(1305 Main St. in the Over-the-Rhine district of Cincinnati,Oh). It also included the work of talented artist and owner of the 1305 gallery Lily Mulberry.

Last words for today...
Have fun, make art and come back often!

see the entire collection at my DeviantArt gallery