Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hello!!! New artists from the new artist!

Here are some of my favorites hope you like them!
http://www.bromart.com/gallery/index.html -Brom, this guy knows dark apocolypse.
http://www.diterlizzi.com/ -This man epitomizes fantasy art for me.
http://www.gaudiclub.com/ingles/I_VIDA/i_menu.html - Gaudi, brilliant, but a jerk.
http://www.dada-companion.com/duchamp/ -A rebel, long live the revolution!
http://www.clintlangley.com/gallerys/gallery.htm - for all of us dorkers, great warhammer!!
http://www.pen-paper.net/artgallery/Ron_Spencer/?g2_page=1 - Again for the gamers...
http://www.pen-paper.net/artgallery/MichaelPhillippi/ - Ok last one guys.

Anyway Ill soon be getting some work on here so you may persuse and subsequently insult me sooo yaaay!

- I is "hero number wun" !!


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