Saturday, September 19, 2009

Yes I own this.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Always Remember to Eat a Balanced Diet

Jujob is Famous!

Tinycartridge wrote a post about his little box men. Scribblenauts one in particular.

Scribblenauts Box Boy


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hello!!! New artists from the new artist!

Here are some of my favorites hope you like them! -Brom, this guy knows dark apocolypse. -This man epitomizes fantasy art for me. - Gaudi, brilliant, but a jerk. -A rebel, long live the revolution! - for all of us dorkers, great warhammer!! - Again for the gamers... - Ok last one guys.

Anyway Ill soon be getting some work on here so you may persuse and subsequently insult me sooo yaaay!

- I is "hero number wun" !!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Gallery 308 9/4/08 show in Muncie

see more at our flikr site

Friday, October 31, 2008

Cover Art Show

So some one sent an article about these artist that painted over vinyl covers from all kinds of music artist. Daniel Lim, Mark brown, Dan Goodsell, Alex Pardee and a ton of other artist contributed to this awesome collection. To get a look at this wonderful work go to

Thursday, September 11, 2008

New Blog Posters and most recent show.

Soon, both Jujob and Pyscho68 will be posting info as well. Please be sure to welcome them once they get going as well.

Hopefully, adding more posters should add a lot more info more often because as you know I tend to fall on the side of slow posting. Jujob has always been a part of the Copyright Propaganda team and Psycho68 has known both of us for a long time and has just recently added his own talent to the team. He has some awesome pen and ink drawings that I am really excited to show off here as soon as I pry them from him for scanning.

Also, as mentioned in the title, Copyright Propaganda has had its 1st show in over a year. The Gallery 308 in Muncie, IN. recently began hosting our show. Myself and Jujob both created numerous pieces for this show and as is the case with our newest member's work we are patiently waiting photos to come in from various sources before we can throw some work up here. The opening went very well as we had over 100 people attend. The show will be up for a month and if you are in the Muncie area or even down towards Indianapolis you should drop in and see it. They are open wed - sat noon to 5:30.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

More Octopus

I can't seem to quit drawing these things.

Thanks to Vector Magic for assisting with cleaning up this scan.


Jujob finally gave me some artwork to scan. It's crazy.